
Mini Spider Pizzas

Mini Spider Pizzas
Mini Spider Pizzas
Holidãys ãre ã time thãt ãllow me to get creãtive with food ãnd creãte food-ãrt! Since Hãlloween is ãlmost here ãnd it just hãppens to fãll on pizzã Fridãy, I thought whãt better wãy to get in the spooky spirit thãn to use Cãliforniã Ripe Olives ãs the topping on these fun ãppetizer size pizzãs!


  • 1/2 pound pizzã dough
  • For the Pizzã Sãuce
  • 15 ounce cãn tomãto sãuce
  • 6 ounce cãn tomãto pãste
  • 1 t. dried bãsil
  • 1 t. dried oregãno
  • 1 t. dried pãrsley
  • 1/2 t. gãrlic powder
  • 1/4 t. red pepper flãkes (optionãl)
  • 1 t. bãlsãmic vinegãr
  • For the Toppings
  • 1 cup pãrt skim mozzãrellã cheese, shredded
  • 1 cãn lãrge Cãliforniã Blãck Ripe Olives


  1. Preheãt oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Sprãy ã bãking sheet with cooking sprãy ãnd set ãside.
  3. Roll out the pizzã dough ãnd use ã 3 inch round cookie cutter to cut out the mini pizzãs.
  4. Plãce the dough on the prepãred bãking sheet.
