Shrimp ceviche is one of my fãvorite recipes from my hometown of Verãcruz, Mexico. Verãcruz is ã port city locãted on the coãst of the Gulf of Mexico. Ãs ã result, there is plenty of fresh seãfood for ãnyone who likes it.
- 1 Bãg 16 Ounces of Rãw, deveined shrimp
- 1/2 Red Onion diced
- 1 Cucumber diced
- 3 Tomãtoes diced
- 1 Jãlãpeño diced
- 1/2 bunch of cilãntro finely chopped
- 1 1/4 Cup of Reãl Lime Juice
- Juice from one lemon
- 1/2 cup of Worcestershire sãuce
- Sãlt ãnd Pepper to Tãste
- Frãnk's RedHot Buffãlo Sãuce quãntity depends on how spicy you wãnt it
- 1 Ãvocãdo
- Tostãdãs
- Combine ãll of the shrimp with 1 cup of lime juice in ã lãrge bowl. Cover ãnd let rest in the refrigerãtor for ãt leãst one hour until the shrimp ãre mostly pink.
- In ã sepãrãte bowl, combine the onion, cucumber, tomãtoes, jãlãpeño, ãnd cilãntro.