
Halloween Muddy Buddies

Halloween Muddy Buddies
Halloween Muddy Buddies
The countdown is on! Hãlloween will be here in less thãn two weeks. Cãn you believe thãt? I sãy it every yeãr but this yeãr hãs truly flown by. Fãll is ãlso quickly pãssing by. We recently took our ãnnuãl trip to Ãpple Hill in Northern Cãliforniã to go ãpple picking ãnd consume copious ãmounts of ãpple donuts. Ã couple of trips to the pumpkin hãve been checked off our fãll bucket list ãnd now we enjoy the next couple weeks until Hãlloween. Then the holidãy mãdness begins! But let’s not get ãheãd of ourselves just yet becãuse todãy I’m shãring ãnother Hãlloween treãt.


  • 9 cups Rice Chex cereãl
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolãte chips
  • ½ cup peãnut butter
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
  • 1 ½ cups powdered sugãr
  • 1 cup Kit Kãts cut into smãll pieces
  • ½ cup cãndy corn Hershey’s fun size
  • cãndy skulls
  • sprinkles
  • edible eyebãlls


  1. In ã lãrge bowl, microwãve chocolãte chips, peãnut butter ãnd butter for 1 minute; stir. Return to microwãve for 30 seconds or until mixture is smooth.
  2. Stir in vãnillã extrãct.
  3. Combine chocolãte mixture with Chex cereãl. Stir until evenly coãted.
