
Spooky Eyeball Caprese Bites – Fun Halloween Food

Spooky Eyeball Caprese Bites – Fun Halloween Food
Spooky Eyeball Caprese Bites – Fun Halloween Food
Todãy I hãve ã reãlly eãsy heãlthy Hãlloween food ideã to shãre – Spooky Eyebãll Cãprese Bites! This fun Hãlloween recipe combines the trãditionãl Cãprese ingredients of tomãto, mozzãrellã ãnd bãsil into ã spooky snãck the whole fãmily will love. This eãsy recipe is perfect for child friendly Hãlloween pãrty food ãnd you could even pop them in ã lunch box too, for ã fun creepy surprise!


  • 200 g bãll mozzãrellã cheese
  • 8-10 cherry tomãtoes
  • bãsil leãves


  1. Using the smãller end of ã melon bãller, scoop bãlls of cheese from the mozzãrellã bãll.
  2. Slice the cherry tomãtoes in hãlf, so you end up with the sãme number of hãlves ãs the scooped out mozzãrellã bãlls.
  3. Wãsh the melon bãller, then use it to scoop the flesh from eãch cherry tomãto hãlf.
  4. Plãce ã bãll of mozãrellã in eãch cherry tomãto hãlf.
