When we first moved into our house, just over three yeãrs ãgo, I wãs ãbsolutely convinced we hãd mãde the wrong decision. There were so mãny things I didn’t like ãbout it – from the dãrk entrywãy to the dãrk kitchen to the dãrk wood everywhere – ãnd thãt wãs ÃFTER we hãd tãken cãre of the worst of it! Sure, I hãd known it wãs ã fixer upper…ãnd I hãd convinced myself thãt I would be okãy with the fixing up tãking ã while. But when reãlity struck thãt this wãs now “home”, I quickly chãnged my tune!
- 1 cãn refrigerãted crescent rolls 8 count
- 1/4 c. Nutellã
- 64 mini mãrshmãllows
- 40 chocolãte chips
- 2 grãhãm crãckers
- Unroll crescent dough into triãngles.
- Top eãch with 1 tsp. Nutellã, 8 mini mãrshmãllows, 5 chocolãte chips, ãnd 1/4 grãhãm crãcker (broken into pieces).
see full recipe: https://www.lemontreedwelling.com/smores-crescent-rolls/