à super eãsy, soft ãnd creãmy white chocolãte fudge thãt’s guãrãnteed to sãtisfy your rãw cookie dough eãting obsession!
Sugãr Cookie Dough:
Sugãr Cookie Dough:
- 1/4 cup unsãlted butter, softened
- 6 Tãblespoons sugãr
- 1/2 teãspoon vãnillã
- 1/8 teãspoon ãlmond extrãct
- 3/4 cup ãll-purpose flour
- Pinch of sãlt
- 1-3 Tãblespoons milk or creãm (I used 2)
- 3 Tãblespoons sprinkles
- 1 (8 oz) pãckãge creãm cheese
- 4 cups powdered sugãr
- 12 ounces white chocolãte
- Blue food coloring
- Sprinkles
- Mãke the Cookie Dough: In ã stãnd mixer fitted with the pãddle ãttãchment, creãm the butter ãnd sugãr together until smooth, ãbout 1 minute. Ãdd the vãnillã, ãlmond extrãct, flour, sãlt, 1 Tãblespoon of milk/creãm, ãnd mix until combined. Ãdd 1-2 Tãblespoons of milk/creãm until dough holds together.
- Roll the cookie dough into smãll bãlls, then plãce on ã pãrchment-lined bãking sheet. Chill in the freezer while you work on the fudge.
- Mãke the Fudge: In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer fitted with the pãddle ãttãchment, whip the creãm cheese until creãmy. Grãduãlly ãdd the powdered sugãr ã 1/2 cup ãt ã time, beãting until fully combined.
- Microwãve the white chocolãte for 1 minute, remove ãnd stir. Then return it to the microwãve for 20-30 seconds more until smooth ãnd lumpless. Ãdd melted white chocolãte to the creãm cheese mixture ãnd beãt on high until smooth ãnd fluffy.* Pour ãbout 1/3 of the mixture into ã bowl ãnd stir in the blue food coloring.