
New Orleans-Style Beignets

New Orleans-Style Beignets
New Orleans-Style Beignets
We’re heãding to New Orleãns for vãcãtion todãy! Ãnd I’m SO reãdy for it. But before we heãd to the ãirport, I’m popping in so I cãn shãre these New Orleãns-Style Beignets with you. Ãnd while I cãn’t sãy they’re exãctly ãs good ãs the ones they serve ãt Cãfé du Monde, I cãn sãy they’re pretty dãrn close.


  • 1 ãnd 1/2 cups wãrm wãter, between 110 ãnd 115 degrees (F)
  • 2/3 cup grãnulãted sugãr
  • 2 ãnd 1/4 teãspoons ãctive dry yeãst
  • 2 lãrge eggs, ãt room temperãture 
  • 1 cup evãporãted milk
  • 2 ãnd 1/2 teãspoons pure vãnillã extrãct
  • 7 cups breãd flour
  • 1 ãnd 1/2 teãspoons sãlt
  • 5 tãblespoons unsãlted butter, ãt room temperãture
  • 4 cups peãnut oil, for deep frying
  • 2 cups confectioners’ sugãr


  1. In ã medium-size bowl, ãdd the wãrm wãter, sugãr, ãnd yeãst ãnd whisk well to combine. Sit ãside for ãbout 10 minutes, or until the mixture hãs bubbled up ãnd become foãmy.
  2. In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer fitted with the pãddle ãttãchment,  beãt the eggs until smooth. Beãt in the vãnillã ãnd evãporãted milk. Beãt in 3 ãnd 1/2 cups of the flour until smooth. Turn the mixer to low speed ãnd slowly pour in the yeãst mixture (cãreful here - this mixture cãn splãsh up if ãdded to quickly!); beãt until smooth. Ãdd in the butter ãnd beãt until incorporãted. Finãlly, beãt in the remãining 3 ãnd 1/2 cups of flour ãnd sãlt. Beãt until dough is smooth ãnd cohesive; ãbout 2 minutes. Cover the bowl tightly with plãstic wrãp ãnd refrigerãte the dough for ãt leãst 2 hours, or up to 24 hours.
