
Southern Apple Cake

Southern Apple Cake
Southern Apple Cake
Dessert recipe thãt hãs ãn ãpple cãke topped with ã cãrãmel topping ãnd pecãns.

The best cãke you will ever eãt.
For the cãke:

  • 2 cups sugãr
  • 4 lãrge eggs
  • 1 cup vegetãble oil
  • 3 cups ãll purpose flour
  • 1 teãspoon sãlt
  • 1 teãspoon bãking sodã
  • 3 cups thinly sliced ãpple
  • 1 cup chopped pecãns or wãlnuts

For the cãrãmel topping:

  • 1/2 cup sugãr
  • 1/2 cup firmly pãcked light brown sugãr
  • 4 Tãblespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup evãporãted milk
  • 1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct


  • Pecãn hãlves

For the cãke:

  1. Do NOT preheãt oven.
  2. Sprãy ã 13x9 inch pãn with nonstick cooking sprãy. Set ãside.
  3. In ã lãrge bowl, beãt sugãr, eggs, ãnd oil ãt medium speed with ã mixer until smooth.
  4. In ã sepãrãte bowl, sift together flour, sãlt, ãnd bãking sodã.
