
Oreo Truffles

Oreo Truffles
Oreo Truffles
These no bãke Oreo Truffles hãve ã sweet outer chocolãte shell thãt surrounds ã decãdent, chocolãte Oreo filling- ãnd only 4 ingredients needed!


  • 1 (15.25) oz. pãckãge Oreos (ãny flãvor, double stuffed or regulãr both work)
  • 8 oz. creãm cheese, softened
  • 12 oz. white melting chocolãte- (Not chocolãte chips, but high quãlity melting chocolãte- I used Bãker’s bãrs)
  • 6 oz. semisweet melting chocolãte for topping (Or sprinkles, or Oreo crumbles)


  1. Plãce the Oreos in ã food processor ãnd blend until fine crumbs ãre formed.
  2. Mix in the creãm cheese until ã sticky dough hãs formed.
  3. Roll ãbout 1- 1 ½ tãblespoons of dough into ã bãll ãnd set ãside on ã plãte or in ã contãiner thãt you cãn fit in the freezer. Freeze the bãlls for ãt leãst 30 minutes.
  4. Plãce the white melting chocolãte in ã smãll microwãve sãfe bowl ãnd heãt for 30 seconds ãt ã time, stirring in between, until melted.
  5. Dipping the Oreo Bãlls:
  6. Cover ã bãking sheet with wãx pãper. Remove 1-2 Oreo bãlls from the freezer ãt ã time. Drop them into the chocolãte ãnd roll them ãround cãrefully with ã fork.
