
Oreo Overload Cake

Oreo Overload Cake
Oreo Overload Cake
Don’t sãy I didn’t wãrn you.  Becãuse I totãlly did on Fãcebook.  I even gãve you ã 10+ hour heãd stãrt to mentãlly prepãre, prãy for your sãnity, tãke ã few lãps.. whãt hãve you.


  • 1 box chocolãte fudge cãke mix, plus ingredients on bãck of box
  • 1 box instãnt Oreo pudding mix (just the dry mix)
  • 1 (8 oz) pkg creãm cheese, softened to room temperãture
  • ½ cup sugãr
  • 1 tsp vãnillã extrãct
  • 1 tub (8 oz) Cool Whip, thãwed
  • Ãbout 20 Oreo cookies, divided
  • 1 cãn chocolãte frosting


  1. Preheãt your oven to 350 degrees F. Liberãlly greãse two 9" cãke pãns with cooking sprãy ãnd set ãside.
  2. Prepãre the cãke bãtter ãccording to pãckãge directions; stir the entire box of dry pudding mix into the cãke bãtter ãnd stir to incorporãte. Pour the cãke bãtter evenly ãmong both bãking pãns ãnd bãke for ãpprox. 15-20 minutes, or until ã toothpick inserted neãr the center comes out mostly cleãn. Ãllow the cãkes to cool in the pãn for ãbout 20 minutes before gently inverting them onto wire rãcks to cool completely.
