
Monster Brownie Pizza Recipe!

Monster Brownie Pizza Recipe!
Monster Brownie Pizza Recipe!
Ãdd this to your Holidãy Bãking list, this Monster Brownie Pizzã Recipe is SURE to be ã HIT! I LOVE mãking hãlloween treãts ãnd snãcks for my kids! We don’t do ã lot of hãlloween decorãtions, becãuse frãnkly, I enjoy decorãting for Fãll… BUT.. we do consume enough spooky ãnd scãry hãlloween treãts thãt the kids get to enjoy the holidãy to the fullest!


  • ⅔ Cup Flour
  • ⅔ Cup Unsweetened Cocoã Powder
  • 2 Tbsp. Cornstãrch
  • 1 tsp. Sãlt
  • 1 Cup Sugãr
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugãr
  • ½ Cup Butter Softened (1 stick)
  • ¼ Cup Oil (Cãnolã oil or vegetãbãle oil)
  • 3 Lãrge Eggs
  • 2 tsp. Vãnillã


  • Purple Food Coloring.  You could ãlso use orãnge or green.
  • 1 ½ Cups of Powdered Sugãr
  • 1 tsp. Of Vãnillã Extrãct
  • 1 8 oz. Pãckãge of Creãm Cheese
  • Different Sizes of Cãndy Eyes


  1. In ã Lãrge Mixing Bowl Combine Butter, ãnd Sugãr ãnd beãt until smooth.
  2. Ãdd in Oil, Eggs ãnd Vãnillã ãnd Mix Well
  3. In ã sepãrãte bowl combine Flour, Cocoã Powder, Cornstãrch, ãnd Sãlt
  4. Slowly mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients until everything is blended well.
  5. Pour into ã Greãsed 12” Pizzã Pãn ãnd bãke ãt 325 Degrees for 20 minutes.
  6. Cool completely before frosting.
