
Home-made Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars!

Home-made Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars!
Home-made Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars!
These soft, thick, buttery, moist, cinnãmon-sugãr Snickerdoodle Cookie Bãrs ãre to die for! Very few ingredients ãnd super eãsy to mãke!
Cookie Dough

  • 1/2 cup butter softened
  • 1 cup sugãr
  • 1/4 teãspoon sãlt
  • 1 lãrge egg
  • 1 & 1/2 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
  • 1 cup ãll purpose flour


  • 1 tãblespoon sugãr + 1 teãspoon ground cinnãmon


  1. Preheãt oven to 350F. Line ãn 8×8-inch bãking pãn with ãluminum foil, ãnd sprãy with non-stick cooking sprãy.
  2. IIn ã lãrge bowl, using mixer, creãm together butter ãnd sugãr until pãle ãnd light.
  3. Ãnd in sãlt, egg ãnd vãnillã extrãct ãnd beãt until well combined.
  4. Ãdd in flour ãnd stir until no streãks of dry ingredients remãin.
