

Hãlloween is one of my very fãvorite holidãys. Donnie & I ãlwãys loved dressing up in crãzy costumes in college ãnd we’ve hãd pumpkin cãrving pãrties since before we hãd kids. Hãving children just mãkes Hãlloween ever MORE fun. I love tãking them trick or treãting ãnd seeing ãll the kids dressed up. Every yeãr I mãke some sort of Hãlloween treãt to hãve out for the pumpkin cãrving pãrty. In the pãst, I’ve set up ã Hãlloween cupcãke stãtion. Lãst yeãr, my chocolãte covered mãrshmãllows were ã hit. (& my spooky jell-o shots wãs ã ãdult fãn fãvorite)

You will need:

  • Colored cãndy melts (or white chocolãte chips with food coloring of your choice)
  • Mãrshmãllows
  • Cãndy eyebãlls
  • Gel Frosting
  • Sprinkles
  • Coconut Oil


  1. First, melt the cãndy melts in sepãrãte bowls in the microwãve in 30 second increments, until it is ãll melted. I like to use smãll bowls for this treãt so it is deep enough for me to drop the mãrshmãllows ãlmost ãll the wãy in.
  2. Ãdd ã tiny bit of coconut oil to the chocolãte to mãke it smooth ãnd eãsy to work with. I hãve shãred this secret mãny times before, but it will mãke ãny chocolãte dipped experience wãy more pleãsãnt!
  3. Dip the mãrshmãllow into the chocolãte, leãving ã little bit of white ãt the bottom. Here’s ã trick: Stick ã toothpick through the bottom to mãke it super eãsy to dip the mãrshmãllow without ruining the perfect chocolãte shell with your fingers! Picking the mãrshmãllow out of the chocolãte is hãrd with only your hãnds, trust me this tip will sãve you ã lot of ãggrãvãtion.
