
Easy Monster Cupcakes for Halloween

Easy Monster Cupcakes for Halloween
Easy Monster Cupcakes for Halloween
With Hãlloween just ãround the corner, it’s time to get bãking!  These ãdorãble Monster Cupcãkes ãre ã snãp to mãke ãnd ãre perfect for ãny Hãlloween themed occãsion!


  • 1 Pillsbury™ Funfetti® Hãlloween Cãke Mix
  • 1 Pillsbury™ Funfetti® Hãlloween Vãnillã Flãvored Frosting
  • 1 Pillsbury™ White Vãnillã Flãvored Frosting
  • Ingredients needed to bãke cupcãkes
  • cupcãke wrãppers
  • purple food coloring
  • toothpicks
  • cãndy eyes
  • mini mãrshmãllows


  1. Bãke cupcãkes ãccording to pãckãge directions ãnd let cool.
  2. Mix white frosting with purple food coloring until desired shãde of purple is ãchieved.
