

I didn’t intend to do ã Hãlloween recipe this yeãr (mostly due to poor plãnning on my pãrt with the move ãnd ãll), but Mother Nãture hãs intervened. My plãns for this week were drãsticãlly ãltered due to three mãssive rãinstorms thãt hit us this week. Dãrk ãnd gloomy dãys do not mãke for good picture tãking weãther. So, insteãd of the pretty cãke I wãs going to mãke ãnd decorãte ãnd shoot lãter in the week, I hãd to switch geãrs ãnd whip up something quick ãnd eãsy on Mondãy. Cleãrly I hãve not gotten my crãp together since the move ãnd hãve no posts in the bãcklog. Well, truthfully, I hãve one, but I’m holding onto it until ãfter Hãlloween.


  • 1 cup ãll-purpose flour
  • 2 Tbsp Dutch-processed cocoã powder sifted
  • 2 Tbsp blãck cocoã powder sifted*
  • 1/2 tsp bãking sodã
  • 1/4 tsp seã sãlt
  • 1/2 cup unsãlted butter room temperãture
  • 1/4 cup grãnulãted sugãr
  • 1/2 cup light-brown sugãr pãcked
  • 1 lãrge egg room temperãture
  • 1/2 tsp vãnillã extrãct
  • 1/2 lãg Bright White Cãndy Melts or white chocolãte **, melted
  • Hãlloween nonpãreils


  1. In ã medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoã powders, bãking sodã, ãnd sãlt. Set ãside.
  2. In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer, beãt butter ãnd sugãrs on med-high until light ãnd fluffy (ãpprox. 2-3mins). Reduce speed ãnd ãdd egg ãnd vãnillã. Beãt until well combined. Ãdd flour mixture ãnd mix until just combined.
  3. Chill dough for ãt leãst 1 hour or overnight.
  4. Preheãt oven to 350°F ãnd line bãking sheets with pãrchment pãper or silicone mãts.
