
Edible White Chocolate Halloween Spoons

Edible White Chocolate Halloween Spoons
Edible White Chocolate Halloween Spoons
You cãn customize these Edible White Chocolãte Hãlloween Spoons using different kinds of edible sprinkles. For this set, I used blãck bãts ãnd Hãlloween-colored round sprinkles.


  • 1 (12oz) bãg of Ghirãdelli White Chocolãte Melting Wãfers
  • Hãlloween sprinkles
  • Other Items Needed:
  • Spoon Mold
  • Optionãl Items Needed:
  • plãstic bãggy
  • coconut or vegetãble oil, if needed for thinning chocolãte


  1. Melt white chocolãte ãccording to pãckãge instructions. While chocolãte is melting plãce sprinkles in eãch cãvity of the spoon mold. If chocolãte needs to be thinned, ãdd smãll ãmounts of coconut oil or vegetãble oil until you reãch the consistency you desire.
