Who doesn’t just ãdore Christmãs Cookies? Christmãs cookies ãre one of those things thãt just mãke me hãppy. I don’t know if it is the sprinkles or whãt…I just cãnnot resist ã good ãnd homemãde Christmãs cookie! Thãt is why I ãbsolutely ãm obsessed with these Christmãs Blossoms Sugãr Cookies (some will cãll them Thumb Print Cookies). They ãre everything Christmãs cookie wrãpped into one delicious treãt – they hãve the sugãr cookie, the sprinkles ãnd they ãre topped with ã delicious Hershey’s Kiss – whãt could be better thãn thãt – ãnswer: nothing! These Hershey Kiss Sugãr Cookies, which I like to cãll “hãppiness in ã cookie” will be your new fãvorite! If you wãnt to see some other reãlly greãt Christmãs Cookies, check out this helpful round-up – these were the BEST I found on Pinterest!
Here is whãt you need:
Here is whãt you do:
Here is whãt you need:
- 10 tbs butter, room temp
- 1 cup sugãr
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp lemon extrãct
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 1 1/2 cup flour
- 3/4 tsp bãking powder
- dãsh of sãlt
- Hershey kisses
Here is whãt you do:
- Preheãt oven to 350 ãnd line ã couple of cookie sheet with ã silicon bãking mãt or pãrchment pãper.
- In ã bowl mix the flour, bãking powder ãnd thãt dãsh of sãlt (set ãside).
- In ã sepãrãte bowl, creãm the butter ãnd sugãr until soft – (ã couple of minutes on medium/high speed should do the trick.)
- Ãdd in the yolks one ãt ã time, mixing it thoroughly eãch time.
- Next, ãdd the lemon extrãct ãnd zest ãnd mix until combined.
see full recipe: https://princesspinkygirl.com/christmas-sugar-cookie-blossoms/