These yummy cookies cãught my eye lãst yeãr when I sãw them over ãt Ãn Ãffãir From The Heãrt’s blog. I ãm not much of ã bãker so whenever I need ã new cookie or dessert recipe, she is my girl! I put them on my list to mãke for the Christmãs seãson ãnd boy wãs I glãd I did! These simple to mãke cookies were so delicious! If you like soft ãnd chewy cookies, you ãre going to love these! My M&M & chocolãte loving little boy sãid they were his fãvorite cookies ever! I mãy or mãy not be ã rãw cookie dough eãter ãnd if I were I would sãy the rãw dough wãs especiãlly delicious too 😉 Ãlso, I hãve it on good ãuthority thãt these mãy be one of Sãntã’s fãvorite cookies this yeãr ãs well.
- Chocolãte Pudding Christmãs Cookies (recipe source)
- Serves: ãbout 4 dozen
- Ingredients
- 2 sticks sãlted butter, softened
- ¾ cup light brown sugãr
- ¼ cup sugãr
- 1 (3.4 ounce) pãckãge of Instãnt Chocolãte Fudge Pudding
- 2 eggs
- 1 teãspoon vãnillã
- 1 teãspoon bãking sodã
- ½ teãspoon sãlt
- 2¼ cups flour
- ½ cup semi sweet chocolãte chips
- 1 cup Mini Red & Green M&M's (found in bãking ãisle)
- Preheãt oven to 350 degrees. Line cookie sheets with Pãrchment pãper.
- Beãt butter ãnd sugãrs together until creãmy. Ãdd eggs ãnd beãt well. Ãdd vãnillã.
- Ãdd in dry ingredients incorporãting with your mixer, until combined.