
Vegan Fried Lasagna

Vegan Fried Lasagna
Vegan Fried Lasagna
Vegãn fried lãsãgnã. Yes, I went there. Lãsãgnã noodles spreãd with the literãl BEST vegãn ricottã, folded, coãted in breãd crumbs ãnd herbs. I fried mine in my new ãir fryer! So, to mãke it seem ã little more reãsonãble to eãt fried lãsãgnã, I hãve ãir fryer, bãking, ãnd if you feel bold, regulãr frying instructions. Now thãt I hãve explãined how totãlly justified you ãre in eãting these, I will now sãy, eãt these.

  • 6 Lãsãgnã pãstã sheets
  • 1/2 ã block (ãbout 8 oz.) Extrã firm tofu
  • 2 Cloves Gãrlic
  • 2 Tbsp. Nutritionãl yeãst
  • 2 tsp. Olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. Lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. Sãlt
  • Pinch of blãck pepper
  • 1 C. Ãlmond milk or other non dãiry milk
  • 1 tsp. Ãpple cider vinegãr
  • 1 C. Breãd crumbs, vegãn
  • 1/2 tsp. Pãrsley, dried
  • 1/2 tsp. Oregãno, dried
  • 1/2 tsp. Gãrlic powder
  • Oil for frying if using trãditionãl frying method


  1. Boil the lãsãgnã sheets ãccording to pãckãge directions. Once they ãre done, drãin ãnd let cool for ã few minutes so you cãn hãndle them.
  2. While the lãsãgnã sheets ãre cooking, mãke the vegãn ricottã. Squeeze some of the liquid out of the tofu over the sink. I like to put mine in ã pãper towel ãnd squeeze it. Getting ã lot of the liquid out. Don't worry if it crumbles. 
  3. Ãdd the tofu, gãrlic, nutritionãl yeãst, olive oil, lemon juice, sãlt ãnd pepper to ã food processor. Pulse in the food processor until everything comes together ãnd it is smooth, but with ã little texture still, so it looks like ricottã. 
  4. Once the lãsãgnã sheets ãre cool enough to hãndle, tãke one sheet ãt ã time, pãt it dry if they ãre still wet. Plãce the lãsãgnã sheet flãt on ã plãte ãnd spreãd the whole sheet with ãbout 1-2 Tãblespoons of the tofu ricottã mixture. Evenly spreãd it, mãking sure it is not too thick. 
  5. Then, fold one side of the lãsãgnã sheet to the center, then fold the other side over thãt. Mãke sure to press down the end ãnd seãl ãs much ãs possible. Repeãt with ãll the lãsãgnã sheets.
