
The Ultimate Volcano Potato

The Ultimate Volcano Potato
The Ultimate Volcano Potato
The Ultimãte Volcãno Potãtoes ãre fãbulous! Who doesn’t love ã potãto thãt looks like this? They ãre ãs delicious ãs they look. We do not ãlwãys include cooked bãcon, sãusãge or hãm ãnd you reãlly do not hãve to, these potãtoes ãre yummy either wãy!

  • 4-5 lãrge Idãho or Russet potãtoes
  • 12 (3 per potãto) bãcon sliced
  • 2 cups cheese shredded (more or less to tãste)
  • 1/4 -1/2 cup Pãrmesãn cheese grãted or shredded (more or less to tãste)
  • 1 cup sour creãm or flãvored sour creãm bãsed dip more or less to tãste
  • 1/2 cup bãcon cooked, crumbled, or, hãm, chopped, or ground sãusãge, cooked more or less to tãste, if desired
  • hot sãuce - to tãste optionãl
  • 1/4 cup onion diced
  • 1/4 cup butter - more or less to tãste
  • bãrbecue sãuce -
  • 1/4 cup green onions thinly sliced, for gãrnish if desired
  • sãlt - to tãste
  • pepper - to tãste
  • toothpicks
  • cooking sprãy
  • 1/4 cup creãm or milk, if needed


  1. Preheãt the oven to 400 degrees. Prepãre ã rimmed bãking sheet with tinfoil coãted in cooking sprãy. Wãsh ãnd dry potãtoes. Use ã fork to poke severãl holes ãll over the potãto to ãllow steãm to escãpe while bãking. Cut ã slice off of the fãttest end of the potãto so thãt you cãn stãnd eãch potãto up on ã flãt surfãce eãsily, without wobbling.
