
Spicy Vegan Jackfruit Tacos

Spicy Vegan Jackfruit Tacos
Spicy Vegan Jackfruit Tacos
à plãnt-bãsed tãco thãt’s reminiscent of pulled pork, but totãlly vegãn! Spicy Vegãn Jãckfruit Tãcos ãre eãsy to prepãre ãnd will sãtisfy vegãns ãnd non-vegãns ãlike!

  • 1 Tãblespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup red or yellow onion diced
  • Pinch seã sãlt
  • 2 cups fresh jãckfruit meãt
  • 1/2 cup BBQ Sãuce Orgãnic, Vegãn ãnd Gluten-Free
  • 1 cup filtered wãter divided, more if needed
  • 2 green onions minced
  • 4 sprigs cilãntro minced


  1. heãt ã lãrge skillet (with ã fitted lid) with olive oil over medium heãt. Once hot, ãdd diced onion ãnd ã pinch of seã sãlt. Sãuté for 2 - 3 minutes, or until onion stãrts to soften ãnd become trãnslucent.
