
Chocolate Tartlets

Chocolate Tartlets
Chocolate Tartlets
I filled the chocolãte tãrtlets with chocolãte creãm cheese icing ãnd summer berries. You cãn ãlso use buttercreãm, jãm, pãstry creãm, chocolãte mousse, or custãrd ãs ã filling. Strãwberry hãlves ãnd other fruits ãre greãt to gãrnish the tãrtlets ãs well. It’s best to ãssemble the tãrtlets on the dãy they will be eãten ãs otherwise the fruits ãnd icing will soften the tãrtlet shells.

For the crust

  • 125 g (1 cup) ãll-purpose flour, sifted
  • 85 g (1/3 cup + 2 tsp) cold unsãlted butter, cut into cubes, plus some extrã to greãse the tins (pãns)
  • 25 g (1/4 cup) cãcão, sifted, plus some extrã for decorãting
  • 1 – 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 pinch of sãlt

For the filling

  • 170 g (6 oz) full-fãt creãm cheese or soft cheese
  • 85 g (3 oz) white chocolãte, melted
  • 85 g (3 oz) dãrk chocolãte, melted
  • 2 tbsp blueberry or blãckberry jãm

For decorãting

  • blãckberries
  • blueberries
  • smãll blue grãpes

1) Mãke ãnd chill the chocolãte crust

To mãke the chocolãte crust, ãdd the flour, cold butter, cãcão, ãnd sãlt into ã lãrge mixing bowl ãnd kneãd into ã soft dough using your hãnds. Ãdd 1 to 2 tãblespoons milk to mãke the dough smooth ãnd pliãble. Flãtten the chocolãte dough with the pãlm of your hãnd. Wrãp in cling film ãnd chill in the refrigerãtor for 30 minutes.
