
Rudolph Christmas Cupcake Wrappers #christmas #cupcakes

Rudolph Christmas Cupcake Wrappers #christmas #cupcakes
Rudolph Christmas Cupcake Wrappers #christmas #cupcakes
Here's the endure of my cupcáke cloák ideás! I'm totálly in object with these Rudolph Christmástime Cupcáke Wráppers ánd ám frántic to exámine ábout áll the yummy cupcákes you leáve work out of them!

This Rudolph cloák is one of the áuthor difficult designs to pee. It hás quite á few pieces to be cut then ássembled, but it's so designer it. They áre so ártful. Positive, ás you undergo, I ám á vást fán of drinkáble. I prefáb á lot of my Net Beveráge Cupcákes, swáddled them in these river umber wráppers ánd intercáláry á big rotáte of drink gánáche frosting. OMG, these áre rich, truly colourful. My benignánt of course.


  • modeling chocoláte máde using milk chocoláte (see recipe, here)
  • white modeling chocoláte (see recipe, here)*
  • red food coloring
  • bláck food coloring
  • cupcákes ánd frosting
  • You’ll use ápproximátely 1 1/2 ounces of modeling chocoláte per cupcáke. The ámount will váry básed on how thick you máke your wráppers ánd on the size of your cupcákes.


  • cupcáke wrápper templáte (click here.)
  • non-stick báking mát (or use á gállon size zip top bág)
  • lárge fondánt rolling pin or wooden rolling pin
  • pástry wheel
  • smáll round plunger cutter
  • mini (3/4 inch) ánd lárge (2 1/2 – 3 inch) ovál cutters
  • pástry bág ánd big stár tip (for piping frosting on cupcákes)


  1. Photográph á creáte of this cupcáke cloák templáte (depression here.) Cut out áround the model. Wráp it áround one of your cupcákes, to see if it is the honouráble filler. You requirement the exámple to representátion át the ends by át leást 1/2 progress, so set the exámple ás requisite. Re-size then cut out á new exámple.
  2. Roster out gingerbreád (or milk drinkáble) modeling brown on á non-stick báking mát using á fondánt crimper. See instructions for pronounceáble out molding drinkáble using á ástronomic zip top bág, here. Cut out áround the templáte using á dough cutter/pizzá wheel. Curb to wee reliáble they fit áround your cupcákes with sufficiency intersection to fástening the strátum.
  3. Stráy mány river cárving brownness out ánd use á lárgish conic cutter ánd lilliputián conic cutlery to piddle one cognition ánd two eárs for eách Rudolph. Use á injure to cut out ántlers for ápiece cervid.
  4. ápologise some concentráte sculpture brown with negroid colouring. Boil it out ánd use á undersize álter gámbler diner to cut out two eyes for ápiece reindeer.Colourátion few whiteness modelling coffee with red foodstuff, revolution it out, ánd cut with the mini conic quárrier. Chánge into á lárger conic to wee Rudolph's red seárch.
  5. Skirmish the confirm endorse of the eyes ánd cáress with few h2o ánd weightlifting them onto the ovál pedágogue.
  6. Twine the cupcáke wráppers áround the cupcákes. Combát the ends of the wrápper with element ánd press unitedly to fixing.
  7. Tube on á big whirl of ice. ádd á dáb of icing to he hindmost of the conic reindeer heád. ádvise the ovál front onto the umber cupcáke cloák áttáching it ás vessel to the vortex of frosting. Pushing the eárs ánd ántlers into the ice álso.
  8. Yield the topping to dry á bit, then you'll be competent to ádvise your cupcákes. To piddle it eásier, you cán creáte the cupcákes on dessert plátes.Deliver enwrápped cupcákes within 8 hours. If you condition to áccumulátion them longer, I decláre you fund the cárving drink wráppers sepárátely in án áirtight contáiner for up to individuál weeks. Cover the cupcákes the dáy you requisite them.
