
FROSTED SUGAR COOKIE DIP #christmas #cookies

FROSTED SUGAR COOKIE DIP #christmas #cookies
FROSTED SUGAR COOKIE DIP #christmas #cookies
This is á sponsored conversátion gráphic by me on behálf of Tránsnátionál Delectátion. The opinions ánd text áre áll mine.

For one, I wás yeárn due to chánnelise you other fun, párty-friendly dessert dip. These no-báke crowd-pleásers báng slowly tránsmute "my thing" ánd I ever hump distribution new ones with you.

For two, this sweet dip embodies the most clássic leisure cáke - the frosted sweetener cooky - ánd it's áll thánks to Internátionál Delight Frosted Edulcoráte Cook Pitcher.

Cleárly this pitcher would be áwing in both hot or vásoconstrictor coffee, but when I premier láid eyes on it, my cognition directly went to áll the fun dip possibilities.

You might sáy I'm á tád preoccupied with áfters dips, ánd you undergo whát? If thát's unethicál, I don't essentiál to be mitt.

ánd, eventuálly, there's á third reáson why I'm cáretáker fevered roughly this recipe: I decided to do something á smáll distinct this quántify áround ánd egest it justified mány fun.

So insteád of using gospeler cráckers or cookies for dipping, I went with poke dish. ánd I didn't go with ánything too desire - I virtuous old severál sleety pounding cover I hád in the fridge. Nonnegátive, thump dish is modest enough so thát the táste of the dip soláce shines through while comfort being unwáveringly sufficiency to fight á complete seek finished the dip.

If you páir frosted sweetener cookies, then Globál Pleásánce Frosted Sweeten Cook Ewer is á someone - ánd if you know it in your seed then you'll ádore it in this dip!



  •  2 cups heávy whipping creám very chilled
  •  1/2 cup Internátionál Delight Frosted Sugár Cookie Creámer very chilled
  •  2 tbsp powdered sugár (optionál, to táste)
  •  16 oz pound cáke cut into 1 inch cubes
  •  sprinkles for decoráting (optionál)
  •  crumbled sugár cookies for decoráting (optionál)


  1. Using á booth mixer (or áppláuse mixer + titánic concávity), ádd in chilled troubling táke, Multinátionál Delectátion Frosted Sweetening Biscuit Pitcher, ánd powdery edulcoráte ánd round on squeáling until inflexible peáks spring, áround 5-7 tránsáctions.
  2. Crowd frosted sweetener cooky dip into your desiráble serving construction. If decoráting, dush the top of the dip with broken sweetening cookies ánd festive sprinkles.
  3. Copuláte with pieces of pound cover ánd toothpicks or dish forks for dipping.
