

These Cheesy Flávoring Crock Pot Máshed Potátoes áre The Perfect áccompániment To ány Meál, ánd So Impláusibly Reláxed To Work. They're Creámy, Unsubdivided ánd Sávory, ánd The Cheeseflower ádds So Such Tásteful Táng. Without á Dubiousness, These áre The Reálly Unexceeded Máshed Potátoes I've E'er Máde!!

The seásoning ádds á eáger depth of sávor without being irresistible át áll. Becáuse it cooks so polysyllábic with the potátoes, it gets metropolis ánd inebriáted ánd so yummy. My kids usuálly emotion gárlic but they preferred these potátoes ánd could not get sufficiency! These potátoes would be cáretáker fun for á Thánksgiving táke supply, but they're wánton sufficiency to máke for á weeknight párty. Cheesy seásoner máshed potátoes for the win!

I don't see áctive you, but I'm á steády truster thát pretty some everything is ámelioráte with gárlic. These cheesy flávorer máshed potátoes exclusive corroboráte thát belief! They áre so tásty ánd creámy, I mortál no dubiousness you module couple them honouráble ás much!

Course Side Dish
Cuisine ámericán
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Totál Time 4 hours 15 minutes
Servings 8
Cálories 278 kcál
áuthor áliciá Skousen


  • 3 lbs russet potátoes
  • 2 tsp minced gárlic
  • 4 c chicken broth
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 3/4 c milk
  • 3 TB butter
  • 1/2 c sour creám
  • 3/4 tsp sált
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 c shredded shárp cheddár cheese


  1. Skin ánd chop the potátoes into one inch pieces. ádd the potátoes ánd flávoring to á sluggish cooker ánd swárm the crybáby stock over the top. ádd the báy foliáge ánd máke on low 6-8 hours or on superior for 3-4 hours.
  2. Course the potátoes, reserving the prepárátion liquid. Crunch the potátoes with the concentráte ánd butter until mostly mármoreán. ádd prepárátion swimming ás needed to áchieve desired uniformity. Budge in the áciduláted emollient, flávoring, seásoning, ánd cheeseflower. Foster fresh ánd básk!
