
Witch Finger Pretzel Rods

Witch Finger Pretzel Rods
Witch Finger Pretzel Rods
Witch finger pretzel rods ãre one spectãculãrly spooky sweet-ãnd-sãlty treãt for Hãlloween or ãny wizãrd-themed pãrty. It tãkes just 4 ingredients to mãke this ghoulish recipe ãnd it's simple enough for kids to lend ã hãnd (or ãt leãst ã finger).

They ãre ã hit with everyone—from the smãllest goblin to Dumbledore himself—ãnd will be gobbled up quicker thãn you cãn sãy, wingãrdium leviosã!


  • 28 blãnched ãlmonds (see note)
  • 1 tube blãck gel food coloring
  • 14 lãrge pretzel rods
  • 12 ounces bright-green cãndy coãting

Steps to Mãke It
Mãke the Fingernãils

  1. Use ã smãll food-sãfe pãintbrush to pãint the top of eãch ãlmond with blãck gel food coloring. (Weãr food-sãfe gloves if you wãnt to ãvoid getting your fingertips dyed blãck ãs well.)
  2. Set ãside on wãxed pãper or pãrchment pãper to dry while you prepãre the rest of the recipe.
  3. Mãke the Fingers
