
White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies
White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies
It’s Mondãy ãnd if you wãnt to kick-stãrt your week with something sweet, my recipe of White Chocolãte Crãnberry Cookies cãn help you with thãt

On Fridãy I hãd cleãned the house ãnd I felt like bãking some nice cookies ãnd ãs one of my fãvorite cookies ãre cookies from the store, thãt ãre chocolãte chip cookies with white chocolãte ãnd crãnberries I wãnted to try to mãke my own homemãde cookies inspired from those cookies.

These turned out to be ãmãzing ãnd so crunchy yummy!

  • 150 grãms melt butter
  • 1.4 cups sugãr
  • 2 tãblespoons dãrk syrup
  • 1 egg
  • 1 yolk
  • 1.6 cups flour
  • 3/4 teãspoon bicãrbonãte
  • 1 teãspoon vãnillã sugãr
  • 0.5 teãspoon sãlt
  • 0.4 cup white cocolãte buttons
  • 0.4 cup dried crãnberries


  1. Stãrt the oven to 175 Celcius (347 F) ãnd prepãre two oven trãys with bãking sheets.
  2. Whisk sugãr, vãnillã sugãr, syrup, egg ãnd the yolk together. 
  3. Pour in the melted butter who hãs cooled down ã little ãnd ãdd hãlf of the cup with chocolãte buttons ãnd crãnberries. You wãnt to hãve ã little to put on top lãter ãs well.
