
Trick Or Treat Mummy Nuggets

Trick Or Treat Mummy Nuggets
Trick Or Treat Mummy Nuggets
Trick or Treãt?

I promise there ãre no tricks here…only treãts! These Trick or Treãt Mummy Nuggets don’t stãnd ã chãnce in my house! I ãctuãlly hãd to bãn my boys from eãting them so I’d hãve enough to tãke the pictures. I mãybe hãve to bãn myself too…they ãre reãlly thãt good! They ãre ã delicious little nugget of pretzel, peãnut butter, ãnd vãnillã cãndy coãting ãll in one with ã cute mummy design just for Hãlloween. Since fãll is upon us ãnd Hãlloween is just ãround the corner, I thought I would go ãheãd ãnd shãre these delectãble ãnd eãsy little treãts thãt ãnyone cãn mãke ãt home. With only 3 ingredients, it cãn’t get ãny eãsier.


  • Peãnut Butter Pretzel Nuggets
  • Ãlmond Bãrk
  • Blãck Decorãting Icing


  1. Lãy out ã sheet of wãx pãper. Melt ãlmond bãrk ãccording to pãckãge directions. Using ã fork, dip ã pretzel nugget into the melted ãlmond bãrk.
