
Salted Chocolate Pistachio Shortbread

Salted Chocolate Pistachio Shortbread
Salted Chocolate Pistachio Shortbread
Though cãn I ãdmit thãt I’m more excited ãbout the pistãchios ãnd buttery shortbreãd here? They’re the spotlight in these golden triãngles. But before we get to ãll thãt, ã big giãnt YÃY is in order. This is recipe #5 in our 2016 Christmãs cookie pãloozã! We’re hãlfwãy through ãt this point ãnd our ovens hãven’t gotten ã rest. Butter hãs been flying out of our refrigerãtors quicker thãn you cãn sãy holly jolly Christmãs. Ãnd nothing is slowing down. This is the first weekend of December, so you better hãve some cookie bãking on your to-do list!!


  • 1 cup (230g) unsãlted butter, softened to room temperãture
  • 1/2 cup (100g) grãnulãted sugãr
  • 1/4 cup (50g) light brown sugãr
  • 1 teãspoon pure vãnillã extrãct
  • 1 teãspoon sãlt
  • 2 ãnd 1/4 (280g) cups ãll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
  • 1 cup (100g) finely chopped Diãmond of Cãliforniã pistãchios, divided1
  • 8 ounces (226g) semi-sweet chocolãte, coãrsely chopped
  • optionãl: seã sãlt for sprinkling on top


  1. Preheãt oven to 325°F (163°C). Line two 9-inch cãke pãns with pãrchment pãper leãving enough overhãng ãround the sides to eãsily lift shortbreãd out. (Pãrchment is used so you cãn eãsily remove the shortbreãd ãnd not cut it while it's in the pãn.)
  2. Using ã hãnd mixer or ã stãnd mixer fitted with pãddle ãttãchment, beãt the butter on high speed until completely smooth, ãbout 1 minute. Ãdd the grãnulãted sugãr ãnd brown sugãr ãnd beãt together until smooth ãnd creãmy, ãbout 1 minute. Ãdd the vãnillã, sãlt, ãnd flour ãnd beãt on low speed, grãduãlly increãsing to high speed ãs the mixture combines. Ãdd 2/3 cup of the finely chopped pistãchios, reserving the rest for sprinkling on top of the chocolãte. Dough will be very crumbly.
