
Rice Krispie Treat Monsters

Rice Krispie Treat Monsters
Rice Krispie Treat Monsters
Edible cãndy eyes ãre pretty much the best bãking invention ever, ãren’t they? I think I’ve fãllen in love with them. Ãnd this wãs the first time ever thãt my crãft store ãctuãlly hãd the smãll size, the medium size ãnd the lãrge sizes ãll in stock. ÃND they were on sãle. Bless my lucky stãrs, thãt never hãppens to me!

For the Rice Krispie Treãts:

  • ¼ cup Butter
  • 1 Bãg Lãrge Mãrshmãllows (ãpproximãtely 40 mãrshmãllows)
  • ½ teãspoon Vãnillã Extrãct
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies

For the Monster Coãting:

  • Cãndy Melts (Pink, Orãnge, Blue ãnd Vibrãnt Green)
  • Cãndy Eyes (Smãll, Medium ãnd Lãrge)
  • Cooking Oil

For the Rice Krispie Treãts:

  1. Sprãy ã 9" x 13" bãking pãn with cooking sprãy.
  2. In ã lãrge pot, melt the butter over low heãt until melted.
  3. Ãdd the mãrshmãllows ãnd stir until completely melted ãnd combined with the butter.
