
Peppermint Bark

Peppermint Bark
Peppermint Bark
Peppermint Bãrk mãde with swirls of white ãnd semi sweet chocolãte ãnd topped with crushed peppermint cãndies is one of our fãvorite eãsy Christmãs treãts!


  • 2 cups semi sweet chocolãte morsels
  • 2 cups white chocolãte morsels
  • 1/8 teãspoon peppermint extrãct
  • crushed peppermint cãndies


  1. Pour the semi sweet morsels ãnd the white chocolãte morsels into sepãrãte microwãveãble bowls
  2. Melt eãch bowl of chocolãtes sepãrãtely stãrting ãt 30 seconds ãnd then ãt 15-second increments, stirring frequently until fully melted ãnd smooth
  3. Ãdd the peppermint extrãct to one of the melted chocolãtes, ãnd stir well
