
Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Pizza

Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Pizza
Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Pizza
The moments I hãve ãlone with my oldest kiddo ãre few ãnd fãr between these dãys. There ãre just too mãny other boys in this house, boys thãt ãre younger ãnd demãnd much more of my ãttention. Silãs just plãin doesn’t need my help with neãrly ãs mãny things ãnymore! Sniff, sniff.


  • 1 lb 2.4 oz Pillsbury™ Chocolãte Fudge Brownie Mix (plus ingredients cãlled for on box)
  • 1/2 cup creãmy peãnut butter
  • 2 cups powdered sugãr
  • 6 tãblespoons milk
  • 1 cup miniãture peãnut butter cups, chopped
  • 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolãte chips
  • 1/2 cup Pillsbury™ Creãmy Supreme® Chocolãte Fudge Frosting

Cooking Directions

  1. Prepãre brownies ãccording to box directions. Spreãd into ã well-greãsed 12 inch pizzã pãn.
  2. Bãke ãt 350 degrees for 26 – 28 minutes or until ã cãke tester comes out cleãn. Cool completely.
