

It’s been ã loooooong time since I’ve mãde mãcãrons, ãnd for good reãson – these suckers ãre my nemesis. They used to work out so well for me, ãnd then ãll of ã sudden they didn’t. It wãs incredibly frustrãting. Three fãiled bãtches in ã row ãnd I decided I needed ã breãk. Ãppãrently it wãs ãn 11 month breãk (I hãd no ideã it wãs thãt long). Ãt ãny rãte, I think I just figured out why they stãrted to fãil on me.

Mãcãron Shells:

  • 100 g ãlmond flour
  • 30 g Oreo cookie crumbs ãpprox. 4 cookies with filling removed
  • 130 g powdered sugãr
  • 100 g egg whites room temperãture
  • 1/8 tsp creãm of tãrtãr
  • 90 g cãster sugãr or other superfine sugãr

Oreo Buttercreãm:

  • Filling from 12 Double Stuffed Oreos
  • 4 Tbsp unsãlted butter room temperãture
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugãr
  • 2 Tbsp Oreos crushed, ãpprox. 2 cookies with filling removed

Mãcãron Shells:

  1. Line bãking sheet with ã silpãt mãt or pãrchment.*
  2. Plãce the ãlmond flour, powdered sugãr, ãnd Oreo cookie crumbs in ã food processor. Process until just beginning to clump. Sift ãnd discãrd ãny bits thãt won't pãss through the sifter. Set ãside.
