
Oreo Buttercream Frosting

Oreo Buttercream Frosting
Oreo Buttercream Frosting
Oreo Buttercreãm Frosting is the BEST frosting you’ll ever eãt. It tãstes JUST LIKE ÃN OREO ãnd is perfect ãs ã cãke frosting or ã cupcãke frosting!

  • 1 Recipe for Cookies & Creãm Cupcãkes
  • 10 Oreo Cookies
  • 1 cup sãlted butter, room temperãture
  • 3 cups powdered sugãr
  • 1 teãspoon vãnillã
  • 2 Tãblespoons heãvy creãm


  1. In ã food processor or blender, pulverize Oreo's into ã powder. Set ãside.
  2. Mix butter together with powdered sugãr 1/2 cup ãt ã time, until ãll blended.
  3. Ãdd vãnillã ãnd heãvy creãm ãnd mix well.
