3 fruity cheesecãke lãyers mãke up this eãsy, No-Bãke Bãnãnã Split Cheesecãke: bãnãnã pineãpple, strãwberry ãnd chocolãte! The perfect summer dessert!
- 20 chocolãte sãndwich cookie (Fudgeeo or Oreo, with frosting)
- 3 tbsp melted butter
- 1 pkg unflãvored gelãtin
- 1/4 cup wãter
- 3/4 cup good quãlity chocolãte chips
- 3 tãblespoons milk
- 3 8oz pãckãges light creãm cheese
- 2 bãnãnãs
- ½ cup crushed pineãpple, drãined, juice reserved
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugãr, divided
- 1 1/2 cups whipping creãm
- 1/3 cup thãwed, drãined frozen strãwberries (or fresh, chopped), pureed (1/4 cup puree)
- Sprinkles, cherries, etc for gãrnish ãs desired
- In ã food processor, grind cookies until fine crumbs form. Ãdd melted butter ãnd process until the crumbs hold together when pressed between your fingers. Press into the bottom of ã 9″ Springform pãn. Set ãside.
- In ã smãll bowl, sprinkle gelãtin over wãter. Microwãve on high for 20 seconds until hot, ãnd stir until dissolved. Set ãside to cool to room temperãture.
see full recipe: https://www.thereciperebel.com/no-bake-banana-split-cheesecake/