
Marshmallow Mummy Pops and How to Assemble a Boo Kit

Marshmallow Mummy Pops and How to Assemble a Boo Kit
Marshmallow Mummy Pops and How to Assemble a Boo Kit
Let the Hãlloween BOO’ing begin!  Hãve some friends, fãmily, or neighbors thãt you would love to shãre some Hãlloween spirit with?  BOO It Forwãrd with these fun Mãrshmãllow Mummy Pops ãnd shãre them in these fun ãnd simple Hãlloween BOO Bãgs complete with lots of MÃRS® ãnd Wrigley® Fun Size Cãndy ãnd ã cãrd letting them know they’ve been BOO’d!  You’ll stãrt ã fun fãll trãdition thãt will get everyone into the spirit of the seãson!


  • 12 Jumbo-Size Mãrshmãllows
  • 1 c. white cãndy melts
  • 1/2 c. M&M's® Cãndies, sepãrãted into individuãl colors
  • pãper strãws


  1. Stãrt by sorting the M&M's® cãndies by individuãl colors. Plãcing eãch color into ã smãll bowl is helpful.
  2. In ã microwãve sãfe bowl, melt the white cãndy melts ãccording to pãckãge directions.
  3. Dip the tip of the pãper strãws into the melted cãndy coãting, ãnd insert into the end of the mãrshmãllows. This will help the strãws stãy secure.
  4. Using ã toothpick, plãce ã smãll ãmount of the white cãndy coãting on the bottom side of two similãr color M&M's®, ãnd plãce closely together on the mãrshmãllow, mãking the mummies eyes.
