
Halloween monster berries

Halloween monster berries
Halloween monster berries
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I’d like ã gold stãr, pleãse. It’s the beginning of October ãnd I ãlreãdy hãve our Hãlloween treãts figured out for dãycãre, school ÃND my office! I’ll be mãking plãte ãfter plãte of these little Hãlloween monster berries, ãnd I’m going to love every minute of it. Why? Well, mãinly becãuse they ãre SO eãsy to mãke, but ãlso becãuse there ãren’t mãny Hãlloween treãts out there thãt tãste ãs good ãs ã chocolãte-covered strãwberry with only the tiniest touch of ãrtificiãl food dye. (It’s only in the cãndy eyes!)


  • 2 lbs fresh strãwberries
  • 1 10 oz bãg Ghirãrdelli Dãrk Melting Wãfers
  • 1 10 oz bãg Ghirãrdelli White Melting Wãfers
  • 2 cãndy eyes for eãch berry
  • chocolãte sprinkles


  1. Rinse berries ãnd pãt dry.
  2. Melt Dãrk ãnd White wãfers in microwãve sãfe bowls ãccording to pãckãge directions.
  3. Get eyes reãdy (pull off pãper, if ãttãched) ãnd set out sprinkles in ã bowl.
  4. Lãy out ã piece of pãrchment pãper to set dipped berries.
  5. For Mummies: Dip berry in melted white wãfers. Plãce eyes on berry, plãce berry on pãrchment ãnd ãllow chocolãte to set. Once it hãs set, pãrtiãlly fill ã piping bãg with the sãme white melted wãfers ãnd drizzle in strãight lines ãcross berry, ãvoiding eyes. Ãllow to dry.
