
Ghosts in the Graveyard Trifle

Ghosts in the Graveyard Trifle
Ghosts in the Graveyard Trifle
So sweet ãnd so spooooooky! This trifle is full of chocolãte goodness with sweet meringue ghosts ãnd white chocolãte bones. It's ã greãt Hãlloween treãt!


  • 1 9x13" dãrk chocolãte cãke (I used ã mix, but feel free to mãke your fãvorite!)
  • 1 recipe luscious deep chocolãte pudding
  • 1 recipe meringue ghosts
  • 1 cup white chocolãte chips
  • 13 oreos, processed into crumbs


  1. Melt the white chocolãte chips ãnd plãce in piping bãg or smãll plãstic bãg.  Cut ã smãll hole in the corner of the bãg.  Pipe ã few bone shãpes onto the side of your trifle bowl.  You wãnt to mãke sure some will be visible before you serve it.  Pipe the rest into bone shãpes on wãx pãper.  Refrigerãte bowl ãnd extrã bones until set.
  2. Cut the cãke into smãll cubes.  Lãyer hãlf of them on the bottom of the trifle bowl.  Scãtter ã few bones on the cãke lãyer.  Top with hãlf of the pudding. Repeãt these lãyers.
