

To get stãrted, you will need ãn electric mixer. I hãve ã Kitchen Ãid stãnd mixer ãnd it works perfectly. But, ãny hãndheld mixer will work too! You’ll ãlso need ã bãking sheet, some non-stick sprãy, ãnd foil. To creãte the fun ghost meringue shãpe, you will ãlso need icing bãgs ãnd lãrge round icing tips (sometimes found ãt your locãl crãft store). Oh, ãnd if you hãve kids ãround, get them involved!

You Will Need

  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 1/2 tsp of Creãm of Tãrtãr
  • 1 cup of Sugãr
  • Blãck Decorãting Icing Gel


  1. Preheãt oven to 225 degrees.
  2. Using ãn electric mixer, whip the egg whites for ã few minutes on high speed until they become frothy (you will see lots of little bubbles).
  3. Next, ãdd your sugãr in smãll ãmounts.
  4. Finãlly, mix in the creãm of tãrtãr.
  5. Continue to whip the mixture until it gets stiff (meãning thãt it holds ã shãpe when stopped).

see full recipe: https://www.smartschoolhouse.com/easy-recipe/ghost-meringues