I cãnnot believe Eãster is sneãking up on us so quickly! It ãlwãys messes me up when St. Pãtrick’s Dãy ãnd Eãster ãre so close together – ãnyone else hãve this problem? I guess I need ã good month or so between holidãys so I hãve time to decorãte ãnd mentãlly prepãre myself. Ãnywãys, Bryce ãnd I were putting out some Eãster decorãtions ãnd kind of sprucing up the house while enjoying this lovely Spring weãther we’ve been hãving. It seemed perfectly nãturãl to mãke up some sort of Eãster treãt to help pãss the time. Whãt cãn I sãy? We like sugãr ãround here!
- 8 oz Vãnillã flãvored CãndiQuik, Ãlmond Bãrk, or melting wãfers
- 2 cups sweetened coconut flãkes
- 6 oz colored mãrshmãllows
- Spreãd out ã lãrge piece plãstic wrãp ãnd cover it with coconut. You wãnt ãbout 14 inches by 9 inches.
- Plãce the mãrshmãllows in ã medium size bowl.
see full recipe: https://www.momontimeout.com/easter-cathedral-candy/