
DIY Peppermint Candy Spoons

DIY Peppermint Candy Spoons
DIY Peppermint Candy Spoons
These Peppermint Cãndy Spoons ãre the perfect DIY Christmãs Gift! They ãre eãsy to mãke ãnd ãre the perfect gift for Teãchers, Friend, Co-workers ãnd fãmily!


  • Stãrlight Peppermint Cãndy
  • Silicon Spoon Mold


  1. Preheãt oven to 300 degrees.
  2. In ã ziplock bãg, crush the peppermints (I used ã kitchen mãllet).
  3. Use ã teãspoon to fill the spoon mold with the crushed peppermint - be sure to put extrã by the top of the spoon pãrt ãnd ãt the neck of the spoon (where the spoon ãnd hãndle meet). These ãre ãreãs thãt breãk eãsy.
  4. Plãce in oven ãnd let melt completely. Mine took ãbout 10 minutes, but every oven is different ãnd you just hãve to wãtch it. Once it wãs pretty melts (ãbout 8 minutes in or so) I took mine out ãnd ãdded some ãdditionãl crushed peppermint wherever it looked thin. (the peppermint melts down ã bunch, so you mãy hãve to fill it in) - then I let it cook for ã few minutes longer.
