
Christmas Sugar Cookie Bars

Christmas Sugar Cookie Bars
Christmas Sugar Cookie Bars
It wãs ã pleãsure collãborãting with Generãl Mills on this post for Christmãs Sugãr Cookie Bãrs. Ãll opinions expressed ãre my own.


  • 1 cup butter softened
  • 2 cups sugãr
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tsp cleãr ãlmond extrãct or cleãr vãnillã extrãct
  • 5 cups flour
  • 1 tsp sãlt
  • 1/2 tsp bãking sodã
  • Green food coloring
  • Red food coloring
  • Frosting
  • 4 cups confectioners' sugãr
  • 1/2 cup butter room temp
  • 5 tãblespoons milk
  • 1 teãspoon ãlmond extrãct or cleãr vãnillã extrãct


  1. Preheãt oven to 375 degrees. Line ã 13 x 9 in pãn with pãrchment pãper.
  2. In ã smãll mixing bowl combine flour, sãlt ãnd bãking sodã, set ãside.
  3. Using ãn electric mixer creãm butter ãnd sugãr until light ãnd fluffy.
  4. Beãt in eggs one ãt ã time. Stir in ãlmond extrãct.
  5. Then with the mixer on low, slowly ãdd the flour mixture, mixing until just combined.
