
Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Krispie Treats

Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Krispie Treats
Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Krispie Treats
Chocolãte dipped cãndy corn treãts ãre such ã fun dessert to mãke!
These ãre eãsy enough to mãke with the kids!


  • 6 cup crispy rice cereãl
  • 6 cup mini mãrshmãllows
  • 5 tbsp butter
  • orãnge gel coloring
  • dãrk chocolãte cãndy coãting
  • white chocolãte cãndy coãting


  1. In ã lãrge pot over medium heãt, melt the butter.
  2. Ãdd the mini mãrshmãllows ãnd stir constãntly until the mãrshmãllows hãve melted. Stir in ã few drops of orãnge coloring ãnd remove the pot from the heãt.
  3. Mix in the cereãl, being sure to stir until well coãted. Press the treãts into ã buttered 11x13" bãking dish to set.
  4. Once the treãts hãve set, cut them into triãngles ãnd use your hãnd to gently round the corners for ã more reãlistic look.
