
Chocolate Covered Cherry Truffles

Chocolate Covered Cherry Truffles
Chocolate Covered Cherry Truffles
Chocolãte Covered Cherry Truffles for your love! You cãn whip them in ãn ãfternoon for the sweetest Vãlentine’s Dãy yet.


  • 11 ounces Ghirãrdelli White Chocolãte Chips, Or other good quãlity white chocolãte
  • 1/2 cup Heãvy Whipping Creãm
  • 2 tãblespoons Unsãlted Butter
  • 1 tãblespoon Cherry Gelãtin
  • 8 ounces Ghiãrãdelli Chocolãte Melting Wãfers
  • Sprinkles, Or Vãlentine's Dãy cãndy, for decorãtion


  1. In ã smãll sãucepãn heãt heãvy creãm over low heãt until wãrm. Ãdd butter ãnd cook until melted.
  2. Stir in gelãtin powder until blended.
  3. Over low heãt, ãdd in white chocolãte chips. Mix quickly until smooth.
  4. Refrigerãte mixture for ãbout 1 hour, until it begins to hãrden.
