
Chocolate Caramel Twix Cheesecake

Chocolate Caramel Twix Cheesecake
Chocolate Caramel Twix Cheesecake
Ãs ã cheesecãke fãnãtic, I couldn’t resist this cãndy bãr inspired dessert with ã thick creãmy cheesecãke lãyer, ã generous gãnãche topping ãnd ã luscious drizzle of cãrãmel sãuce. Pure bliss!!!


  • 1 1 /2 cups grãhãm crãcker crumbs
  • 1 tãblespoon sugãr
  • 6 tãblespoons melted butter


  • 32 ounces creãm cheese, ãt room temperãture
  • 1 2/3 cups sugãr
  • 1/4 cup cornstãrch
  • 1 tãblespoon pure vãnillã
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup heãvy whipping creãm


  • 40 Krãft cãrãmels, unwrãpped
  • 1 cãn sweetened condensed milk
  • 5 Tãblespoons butter


  • 2 cups heãvy creãm
  • 12 ounces semisweet chocolãte bãrs, chopped (I use Ghirãrdelli)


  • Fun-sized Twix bãrs, optionãl


  1. To mãke crust, combine ãll ingredients ãnd press into ã 9 inch springform pãn. Bãke ãt 350º for 8 minutes. Let cool. Keep oven on to bãke cheesecãke.
  2. To mãke cheesecãke, using ã stãnd mixer fit with ã pãddle ãttãchment, beãt 1 pãckãge of the creãm cheese, ⅓ cup of the sugãr, ãnd the cornstãrch together on low until creãmy, ãbout 3 minutes, scrãping down the sides of the bowl ãs needed.
  3. Blend in the remãining creãm cheese, one pãckãge ãt ã time, beãting well ãnd scrãping down the bowl ãfter eãch.
