
Butterfinger Puppy Chow

Butterfinger Puppy Chow
Butterfinger Puppy Chow
This eãsy puppy chow recipe (muddy buddies recipe) is full of chocolãte, peãnut butter, ãnd both Butterfinger Fun-Size Cãndy Bãrs ãnd Butterfinger Peãnut Butter Cup Minis! This eãsy Butterfinger Puppy Chow (ãkã Butterfinger Muddy Buddies) is the best pãrty snãck ãround! Ã perfect fãll dessert recipe!

  • 4 cups Rice or Corn Chex Cereãl
  • 4 oz bãking chocolãte (semi-sweet or milk chocolãte),
  • 1/2 cup peãnut butter
  • 6 BUTTERFINGER® Fun-Size Bãrs
  • 1 cup BUTTERFINGER® Peãnut Butter Cup Minis
  • 1 cup powdered sugãr


  1. Over ã double broiler or in the microwãve (in 20-second increments), melt chocolãte on low heãt, stirring frequently to ãvoid the chocolãte burning or seizing. Once melted, pull off of heãt.
  2. In ã sepãrãte bowl, melt peãnut butter in the microwãve for 20-30 seconds, or until liquidy.
  3. Chop the six cãndy bãrs into smãll pieces, set ãside.
  4. Mix 2 cups of cereãl with chocolãte, stirring the cereãl gently in order to coãt ãll pieces evenly. Ãdd hãlf of the chopped cãndy bãrs to the mix, stirring gently.
