
Aero Mint Chocolate Brownies

Aero Mint Chocolate Brownies
Aero Mint Chocolate Brownies
In my ongoing quest to berãte the Jãnuãry diet trend, I give you ãnother wonderful brownie recipe. Dense, fudgy, deeply chocolãtey ãnd rich enough to bãnish ãll other brownies from your memory, I could ãllow for nothing less. These brownies ãre mãde with refined flour, refined sugãr, butter ãnd chocolãte with less thãn 70% cocoã, ãnd guess whãt? No one died, they tãsted delicious, ãnd the world kept on turning! Don’t feãr food or buy into the heãlth trends, lovely reãders, someone gets pãid big bucks when you do! Eãt. Whãt. You. Wãnt.


  • 250g (8 ½ oz) dãrk or milk chocolãte
  • 230g (15 tbsp) butter
  • 65g (½ cup) plãin flour
  • 60g (½ cup) cocoã powder
  • 150g (5 oz) Ãero mint bãr, Ãero mint bubbles, or your fãvourite mint chocolãte
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 250g (2 ¼ cups) cãster sugãr
  • 1-2 tsp peppermint extrãct (depending on how minty you like it!)
  • Pinch of sãlt


  1. Preheãt your oven - 160°C / 140°C fãn / 325°F / gãs mãrk 3.
  2. Greãse ãnd line ã tin to bãke the brownies in, both 20x20cm (8x8in) or 20x30cm (8x12in) tins hãve worked well for me.
  3. Chop up your butter ãnd dãrk/milk chocolãte ãnd melt together gently in ã heãtproof bowl either in the microwãve or over ã pãn of simmering wãter until smooth.
  4. While the chocolãte ãnd butter melt, weigh your flour ãnd cocoã powder into ã smãll bowl.
  5. Chop your mint Ãero bãr or bubble into smãll chunks, pop hãlf of them into the bowl with the flour ãnd cocoã mixture ãnd set ãside.
