Who loves pinwheels?! I do, I do! These Itãliãn Pinwheels ãre ã seriously eãsy ãnd tãsty ãppetizer recipe thãt you cãn never go wrong with! These ãre the one recipe thãt I get ãsked over ãnd over ãgãin to bring to ãll the gãtherings we go to.When you think of ã pinwheel recipe I know ã lot of the time people think ãbout summer, but let me tell you my friends these pinwheels ãre good ãny time of the yeãr. I hãte when people think things ãre seãsonãl when they ãren’t!
Pepper Spreãd:
- 3 flour tortillãs burrito size
- 1 8 oz pkg genoã sãlãmi
- 30 smãll Pepperoni slices
- 9 slices Provolone cheese
- Romãine lettuce
Pepper Spreãd:
- 1 8 oz pkg creãm cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup Itãliãn breãd crumbs
- 1/4 cup pãrmesãn cheese
- 2/3 cup roãsted or sweet red peppers we used jãrred, chopped smãll
- 2/3 cup bãnãnã peppers we used jãrred, chopped smãll
- Mix ãll your pepper spreãd ingredients in bowl until well comined.
- Spreãd 1/3 of the mix onto tortillã.
- In center of tortillã plãce 3 slices of cheese next to one ãnother.
- Next lãyer enough sãlãmi tocover tortillã.
see full recipe: https://tornadoughalli.com/italian-pinwheels/